Archive for posts tagged ‘Poland’

The Ballad of Tits

Martha has already written about the free foozball (piłkarzyki in Polish) at our local bar. That feature alone makes it an awesome place. But there are many other reasons why the bar is the best ever and one of the things that makes saying good-bye to Poland so hard.
For months we didn’t know what the [...]

Confused in three languages

I’ve used more French in the last nine months in Poland than I have in the previous eight years in southern Ontario. At first, the use of French was inadvertent. As most people who’ve tried to learn a third language know, the second language does not take kindly to competition. As one starts trying to [...]

We won’t be seeing great-uncle Yaroslav but we’re still on the move

So, Lviv and Ukraine is a bust. The usual culprits, time and money, have conspired against us. It’s disappointing, but we are already planning a Black Sea tour. The mantra is, of course, “Someday… someday…”
Before I leave the topic of Ukraine, I have to talk about a reaction I’ve heard from some Poles at the [...]

Who is the man?

Working in a small town can make you feel like the man. You know, the man who walks down the street and says “Hey what’s happening?” to every second person. Or maybe it’s more like the opening of Disney’s version of Beauty and the Beast, with the main character saying hello to everyone. There’s no [...]

Random reasons to celebrate

Yesterday was Children’s Day. The following Thursday is called God’s Body (Boże Ciało in Polish, Corpus Christi in the Latin countries). This is a good holiday because we don’t work. Somewhere around here is a holiday called “the little green holiday.” On this day, celebrants simply fry up some eggs on a barbecue because that’s [...]

Legitimate concerns

This one gets my more advanced adults howling.
First, I must explain a connection between Polish and English. I promise this linguist eggheadishness is going somewhere: bear with me. This connection revolves around Latinate words like ‘valorisation,’ ‘consternation’ and ‘fermentation.’ Their Polish equivalents look and sound almost the same: ‘waloryzacja’ (remember, ‘w’ is ‘v’ in Polish [...]

Running out of time and time travel

With only a month left in this part of the world, I’m sent into a bit of a panic whenever I see my list of blogs to write. Some of them I planned to write months ago. So, with the resolve that comes with last-minute panic, I’m planning to get all these blogs up before [...]

Comments Please!

Final exams are no different for teachers as they are for students; in an effort to avoid the inevitable, they scurry around getting immersed in every little distraction. Some alphabetise CD collections, while others clean. TV and computer games work too, but they are not as good as, say, organising the spice rack. Anything that [...]

Bowling and Border-guards

Last week, with the accession of Poland and the Czech Republic into the EU, some remarked that it was finally the end of Yalta. A week later, we went bowling.
Really, I’m by no means a bowling enthusiast. I can think of dozens of other things I’d rather do, but our new found mobility drew us [...]

Welcome to the EU. Let’s go bowling.

It’s almost shameful: how predictable we can be. If there’s a fence, we want to see what’s behind it. Lock something in a box, and we look for a screwdriver to pop it open. Tell a bunch of Canadians that they can’t cross an international border to visit their Polish town’s ugly Czech twin, and [...]